The voucher program helps pay rent for housing that is decent, safe, and sanitary. Approved program participants locate rental units of their own choosing that meet these standards. Rental Assistance may be used in any housing which meets federal standards for size, quality and rent reasonableness.
In general, program participants are required to contribute 30% of their adjusted monthly income toward rent and utilities. The difference between the family's portion of the rent and the amount charged by the owner is paid to the landlord with the transfer of federal funds provided by HUD.

Garfield County Waiting List is Open
Completing the pre-application online will place you on the selected waiting lists. The Garfield County Housing Authority has adopted a Residency Preference for the waiting list for the Housing Choice Voucher Program for Garfield County. An applicant will qualify for a residency preference if they currently live, work, or have been hired to work in Garfield County.
Applying for more than one waitlist
Applicants are able to apply for more than one wait-list, online or in-person. Applicants can select any or all program/property wait-lists that they are interested in applying for. Eligibility will be determined for each wait-list following all applicable requirements. For more information about other available wait-lists, please refer to properties located under the Rental Housing tab.
Maintain Mailing Address
All applicants must maintain a current Mailing Address with the Housing Authority. Failure to maintain a current mailing address may result in removal from applicable waiting list and applicant may have to reapply. To change your mailing address see "Applicants Reporting Changes" below and follow instructions.
For Applicants Checking Their Status on the Waiting List
If you are an applicant on GCHA's waiting list and would like to check your status, please log on to
When you log in, you need to click the link “Don’t have an account”. The User ID will be the four (4) digit birth year (i.e. 1980, 1973, etc.) and the password is the full Social Security number with no dashes or spaces.
User ID: Year of Birth
Password: Complete Social Security Number (no dashes or spaces)
Please be advised the waiting list website calculates the time left on the waiting list NOT the time the applicant has been waiting.
For example, if the wait time is more than three (3) years, then it will take an additional three (3) years from the day status was checked for the position number to come down to one (1) and for the applicant to be scheduled for an interview.
Waiting List Inquiries
For questions regarding applications or waiting list inquires, please email or call (970) 625-3589 ext. 101.
Applicants Reporting Changes
Applicants on the waiting list should report changes of their address, telephone number, email address, income and/or household composition by completing a Contact Information Form. Please CLICK HERE for form. The form may be submitted using ONE of the following methods: