The Garfield County Housing Authority administers the Affordable Housing Programs for Garfield County and the Town of Carbondale. The Affordable Housing Program goal is to provide housing within the community as sales prices that are attainable to persons and families of various incomes. It is strongly advised for all interested persons to read through all pages listed under the Affordable Housing tab before applying. Please continue reading to learn about how to apply for affordable housing.

How to Apply
Click on the picture of the home you are interested in. This will pull up the full application. The application will list all income, asset, and employment requirements and application deadlines that you must meet in order to be eligible to purchase the home. Note: Each application may have different income and asset requirements.
*PLEASE READ* Once you have applied for a lottery, the Garfield County Housing Authority will hold onto your application for up to one year before shredding the application. You do not need send in an new application for each lottery. Please contact Kristel Langford to verify if you have an active application on file for all lotteries.
If there is more than one lottery available and you wish to apply for multiple lotteries, only one application is needed. Please make a note on the front page of the application that you wish to be in the specific lotteries. You may also contact Kristel directly to request being added to multiple lotteries.
*The Garfield County Housing Authority DOES NOT accept emailed or faxed applications for AMI deed restricted units due to the amount of confidential information required. Only Hybrid R. O. and R.O. Deed Restricted units will be accepted via email.
Email Notification List
When a new home is listed for sale and posted to our website, an email notification will be sent out to all interested persons. To learn how to get on the notification list, CLICK HERE.
Interested Lenders
Part of the application process is providing an pre-qualification letter from a lender of your choice. The lender must understand that the home is a Deed Restricted unit as not all lenders work with deed restricted housing. For a list of Interested Lenders in Garfield County that work with all Affordable Housing, please CLICK HERE.
Lotteries and Open Houses
All open houses are cancelled until further notice. The winner of the lottery will have the opportunity to view the home.
*Lottery results are posted to the website within the hour after the lottery at the bottom of the page. All applications will remain on our website until closing of the property.
Homes Available for Sale through Lottery
No homes available at this time. Please check back!

Homes Available for Sale on a First Come/First Serve Basis
There are no homes available at this time.

Homes Under Contract
Lottery Results
958 Colorado Ave
345 Colorado Ave #206