The Garfield County Housing Authority was awarded thirty (30) Mainstream Vouchers in November 2021. The Mainstream Voucher program is a specialized housing choice voucher rental assistance for non-elderly (ages 18-61) persons with disabilities. Other than serving a special population, Mainstream vouchers are administered using the same rules and regulations as other housing choice vouchers.
Eligibility Requirements
- Households that include at least one or more non-elderly (18-61 years of age) person(s) with disabilities;
- Has a verifiable disability as defined in 42 U.S.C. 423; and
- Must meet all Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program eligibility requirements and be registered on the HCV waiting list.
- Families that move to Garfield County with a Mainstream voucher from another housing agency will be issued a Mainstream voucher here, if one is available. But if no Mainstream vouchers are available, they will receive a regular Housing Choice Voucher.
For More Information
Additional Information on the Mainstream Voucher program can be found at the HUD website.