Glenwood Green Apartments consists of 60 units located at 220 Flat Top View Drive in Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601. It is within walking distance of Glenwood Meadows shipping district and next door to the Glenwood Community Center.

Glenwood Green Apartments has a total of 13 Project-based Voucher units which include 5 one bedroom and 8 two bedroom units. These units are open to any income qualified family. Family must choose to live at the Glenwood Green Apartments for one year.
Glenwood Green Apartments also accepts the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. All applicants must qualify through the Garfield County Housing Authority as well as the Glenwood Green Apartments. For more information regarding this property, CLICK HERE.
The waiting list for one, two and three bedroom Project Based Voucher units is OPEN
Completing the pre-application online will place you on the selected waiting list. The Garfield County Housing Authority has adopted a Residency Preference for the waiting list for the Project Based Voucher Program for Garfield County. An applicant will qualify for a residency preference if they currently live, work, or have been hired to work in Garfield County.
Please contact Rosa Zavaleta @ (970) 625-3589 ext. 101 with any questions regarding applications and wait lists. You must keep a current mailing address on file with us to be maintained on our waiting list! Failure to do so will result in removal from waiting lists.
Example Unit at Glenwood Green